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BPS Future and Whats New – Features that will be included in future releases of BPS

1 Comment RSS Site Feed Author: AITpro Admin
Published: January 25, 2011
Updated: November 21, 2011

The design of BPS has been intentionally started from the perspective of giving website owners manual control of editing .htaccess files online and other website security tools from within the WordPress Dashboard.  As of BPS .45.8 permanent online backup solutions exist to make upgrading BPS smoother and faster.  At some point BPS will also include a fully automated or “Automagic” option where all BPS security and other settings are done automatically for website owners if they choose this option.  The big picture for BPS is to offer all options, automated and manual, with Coders, Developers, Designers and regular folks in mind.

Not bothering with this page anymore.  😉 

BPS Pro .46.5 released 11-21

BPS .46.4 – Pending New Info


Whats New for .46.3

• BPS Security Top Level Menu added
The BulletProof Security link is no longer located under Settings. BPS was added as a Top Level Menu.

• Whats New page was added
Shows you what changes have been made in each new version of BPS. If you want to save notes about BPS for upgrades or whatever else you can save your notes to your WordPress database using the new My Notes feature.

• My Notes page was added
Save notes about BPS upgrades, save htaccess code that you want to keep between BPS upgrades or save notes about anything else you want to keep permanently. When you save your notes they are saved to your WordPress Database so they will be available to you until you delete them.

 • BPS Master htaccess file changes
No new Exploit filters were added. No Exploit filters were modified. No new plugin fixes were added. Options -Indexes has been added back again as a regular feature of the root htaccess file. If your host does not allow the Options directive to be used in htaccess files then comment out that line of htaccess code. If you activate BulletProof Mode for your Root folder and you see a 500 Internal Server Error then you will need to FTP to your website download the root .htaccess file or use your host Control Panel and comment out the Options -Indexes line of htaccess code. This text was modified in the secure.htaccess BPS Master htaccess file: If you want to add a custom 403 Forbidden page for your website uncomment the ErrorDocument line of code below and copy the example forbidden HTML page to your correct website folder. See the BPS Help and FAQ page for detailed instructions on how to do this. If your Theme 404 template is named 404.php then you can uncomment the 404 line below now. If your 404 template is named some other file name then change 404.php to the name of your 404 template name and uncomment the 404 line of code below. ErrorDocument 403 /forbidden.html ErrorDocument 404 /404.php.

• Maintenance Mode page changes
The Maintenance Mode form data is now saved to your WordPress database so that it will be permanently available to you until you change it.

• HUD, W3TC and WPSC – Heads Up Display checks / messages
There have been some minor htaccess issues with the W3TC and WPSC plugins. Both of these caching plugins write to your root htaccess file. BPS now checks your root htaccess file and will display a HUD message if there are any htaccess issues with the W3 Total Cache and WP Super Cache plugins. This is a permanent ON checking feature and you will be alerted immediately if a problem is detected with the root .htaccess file. HUD checks are performed when you first access BPS or if you refresh your browser. Before exiting BPS refresh your browser to perform a check to make sure there are not any problems. The HUD alerts will tell you what needs to be done in order to fix any issues or problems.

 • wp-admin htaccess file removal added
A new option to delete the wp-admin htaccess file has been added on the Security Modes page. Deleting the wp-admin htaccess file should only be used for testing or removal of the BPS htaccess files before uninstalling BPS. If you are testing plugin compatibility issues then you would delete the wp-admin htaccess file and also put your site in Default Mode. Be sure to activate both your Root BulletProof and wp-admin BulletProof Modes after testing is finished.

• Visual stuff
Added the BPS shield icon and got rid of the green Read Me First area and link. If you hate it let me know and I will add an option to display or not to display it.

BPS .46.2 Focus

All BulletProof Modes will offer AutoMagic activation as well as manual control of editing .htaccess files.  The versatility and control that BPS already offers will not be negatively impacted by offering AutoMagic activation.  AutoMagic activation of BulletProof Modes will be added in addition to full manual control of your .htaccess files.  

BPS .46.1 Focus

The main focus of BPS .46.1 will be to complete the Maintenance Mode page.  It is currently very “raw” requiring a lot of manual editing and not very user friendly.  The goal for Maintenance Mode is to have all editing and setting features checkboxes or textboxes with a preview mode to preview your site.  Ideally anyone should be able to choose the options and settings they want within a few minutes and launch Maintenance Mode – putting the website under maintenance.  Extra Designer features will be added in later versions of BPS – add a draggable page design feature allowing anyone to design the look of the maintenance page by jQuery drag and drop.

Short list of some of the new BPS Maintenance Mode features

Add website Title / Name – textbox
Add maintenance message – textbox
Add Time website will be under Maintenance – textbox
Add or remove countdown timer – checkbox
Draggable Design Window – jQuery draggable design
Maintenance page Preview Window

So when will BPS offer a fully Automagic option?

AutoMagic has been added for File Uploading and Maintenance Mode.  BPS will eventually include AutoMagic mode for all settings.  This will be done in stages adding more and more AutoMagic modes.  This will not negatively impact the versatility and manual control that BPS already offers.

If you have ideas, suggestions or things you would like to see or have in future versions of BPS please post a comment.  Thanks.

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