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Whats New In BulletProof Security Pro 5.9

Comments Off RSS Site Feed Author: AITpro Admin
Published: May 30, 2013
Updated: May 30, 2013

BPS Pro 5.9 Primary Focuses: Custom Code Additions / Performance Optimization / Visual Enhancements / Additional/Improved Error Checking

New Custom Code Additions: 

BPS Pro Custom Code now includes additional Text Areas/Text Boxes for every possible section of code in the Root and wp-admin .htaccess files. A jQuery Accordian has been added to Custom Code to ensure that the correct Custom Code Text Areas/Text Boxes are being used, better functionality and visual enhancement.
2 Reset/Recheck Dismiss Notices added – S-Monitor Reset / Recheck Dismiss Notices: 
Displays a dismissable alert for Publicly displayed Usernames/User Accounts. Checks Administrator, Author, Editor and Contributor roles for usernames/user accounts that are displayed publicly. Subscriber Roles are not checked.

Windows IIS check/dismiss notice. Displays a dismissable alert for folks who have Windows IIS Servers that allow .htaccess rewriting or have ISAPI_Rewrite installed which allows/converts .htaccess rewriting.

Plugin Firewall Whitelist Improved Error Checking: 
Additional error checking coding has been added for the Plugin Firewall Whitelist text area. Invalid/incorrect plugin Whitelisting rules will either be automatically stripped out in most cases or an error message will be displayed with details about the invalid plugin Whitelist rules that were detected and what needs to be corrected.
Root .htaccess file Code Correction – wp-comments.php IP blocking: 
The wp-comments.php IP blocking code will no longer replaced on BPS Pro automated upgrades if this code has been edited/modified.
AutoRestore Performance Optimizations / Visual Enhancements / Additional Error Checking: 
Several Performance Optimizations have been made to AutoRestore. Exclude Dynamic Folders – Temp/Cache page Visual Enhancements / Funcitionality Enhancements. Additional Error Checking has been added to the Exclude Dynamic Folders – Temp/Cache to check for invalid/incorrect ARQ Exclude rules. Invalid/incorrect ARQ Exclude rules will either be automatically fixed in most cases or an error message will be displayed with details about the invalid ARQ Exclude rules that were detected and what needs to be corrected.
Login Security Delete Password Reset Form added: 
An additional form has been added to bpsunlock.php stand alone script – Login Security Delete Password Reset Form. If you are locked out of your website and have turned on Disable Password Reset use this form to allow Password Resets again on your website.
Login Security Dynamic Database Form: 
The Login Security Dynamic Database Form Table Rows are now sorted/ordered by ID Ascending. This means that as Login events/actions are logged they will be ordered in the exact order of the logged event/action.
Lots of other performance optimizations / visual enhancements / error checking throughout BPS Pro.
But of course.

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