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BulletProof Security File Uploading and File Downloading

*** Since File Uploading and Downloading is simplified and automated since BPS .46 there is no need for extensive help info ***

File Uploading
The file upload location is preset to the /wp-content/plugins/bulletproof-security/admin/htaccess folder and the intended use is just for uploading the BPS Master files: secure.htaccess, default.htaccess, wpadmin-secure.htaccess, maintenance.htaccess and bp-maintenance.php from your computer to the BPS Master htaccess folder.

File Downloading
Folder permissions must be set to a minimum of 705 for the /htaccess and /bps-backup folders in order to open and download files.
Click the Enable Master File Downloading button to enable file downloading. This will write your current IP address to the deny all htaccess file and allow ONLY you access to the /plugins/bulletproof-security/admin/htaccess folder to open and download files. To open and download your Backed up files click the Enable Backed Up File Downloading button. After clicking the Enable File Downloading buttons you can click the download buttons below to open or download files. If your IP address changes which it will do frequently then click the Enable File Downloading buttons again to write a new IP address to the deny all htaccess files.

Current Active htaccess File Downloading
You will be blocked from downloading your Current Active htaccess Files until you add your IP address to Your Current Root htaccess File.

Click on the Your Current Root htaccess File tab menu in the BPS File Editor and scroll to the very bottom of that htaccess file. You will see Allow from You will need to uncomment the Allow from line of code by removing the pound sign in front of Allow from and add your current IP address in order to allow ONLY yourself access to your current active htaccess files. Your current IP address can be found under the System Info tab menu. Your Computer IP Address displayed there is the IP address you will add to your currently active Root htaccess file.

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Categories: BulletProof Security Plugin Support

3 Comments to “BulletProof Security File Uploading and File Downloading – Uploading and Downloading Files Within the WordPress Dashboard”

  1. Kirk Ward says:

    Can the uploaded files be encrypted on upload and decrypted on download? (256 bit)

    • AITpro Admin says:

      yep you would just add the md5, base64_encode and base64_decode to the appropriate parts of the upload and download scripts. something like this
      $encryptedContent = base64_encode($content);
      $encryptedFile = fopen($encryptedFileSaveName,'w');
      print("File has been upload and encrypted successfully.");
      print("Error while uploading......");

      and the decode would be very similar in concept.

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